28 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Ravi Shankar / Shanti Mantra

Peace on Earth. Peace in Space. Peace in the Heavens.
Peace in all Horizons and Directions. Peace in Fire.
Peace in the Air. Peace in the Sun. Peace in the Moon.
Peace in the Constellations. Peace in the Waters. Peace in the Plants and Herbs.
Peace in the Trees. Peace towards Cattle. Peace towards Goats.
Peace towards Horses. Peace towards Mankind. Peace in the Absolute (Brahman).
May there be Peace. Only Peace.
May that Peace be in Me, Peace Alone.
Through that Peace may I confirm Peace in myself,
And Peace in all bi-peds and quadru-peds.
May there be Peace in me, Peace alone!

pṛthavi śāntiḥ antarikṣa śāntiḥ dyauśśāntiḥ
diśaśśāntiḥ avāntaradiśāśśāntiḥ agniśśāntiḥ
vāyuśśāntiḥ ādityaśśāntiḥ candramāśśāntiḥ
nakṣatrāṇi śāntiḥ āpaśśāntiḥ auṣadhayaśśāntiḥ
vanaspatayaśśāntiḥ gauśśāntiḥ ajāśāntiḥ
aṣvaśśāntiḥ puruṣaśśāntiḥ brahmaṇaśśāntiḥ śāntireva
śāntiḥ śāntima astu śāntiḥ 
tayā.ahaṃ śāntyā sarvaśāntyā
mahyaṃ dvipade catuṣpade ca śāntiṃ karomi
śāntirme astu śāntiḥ 
Tıklayınız: Ravi Shankar